Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ D'oh-in' in the Wind
Lisa Gets an "A"
Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble" ā–ŗ
Homer: Sorry, Marge. Pinchy got all dirty in the yard chasing birds, but don't worry. I put him in a nice hot bath.
Bart: Hey, what smells so good?
Homer: Yeah- Pinchy? Pinchy? Pinchy?! PINCHY!!!!!!! (runs out of the room anxiously)
(The Simpsons are at the dinner table. Homer is crying wile eating the cooked Pinchy)
Homer: Man that's good. (sobs) Pass the butter. (wails)
Bart:: (hands him the butter) Are you going to eat that all by yourself?
Homer: Yea. Pinchy would have wanted it this way. My dear sweet Pinchy! (pats Pinchy) No more pain where you are now, boy. (he tears Pinchy in half and drinks the meat out of him) Oh God, that's tasty. I wish Pinchy was here to enjoy this. (continues crying) Oh, Pinchy.

(As Bart and Lisa approach the boys' room)
Lisa: Hey, I can't go in there!
Bart: Relax, there's nothing here you didn't see when Dad boycotted pants.

Ralph: Hi, Lisa! Hi, Principal Skinner! Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Ralph: (while using the computer) I'm learnding!

Bart: Oh, I'm starving! Mom, can we go Catholic, so we can get communion wafers and booze?
Marge: No, no one's going Catholic! Three children is enough, thank you.

Lisa: (sneezes, moans and blows her nose)
Marge: Mmmm, how you feeling, sweetie?
Lisa: (nasally) Much better. (sneezes loudly)
Marge: Oh, my, you're burning up. I'm going to tell the school you're staying home. (picks up the phone)
Lisa: (pressing down on the receiver) I'm afraid I can't allow that.
Marge: Lisa! (dials again)
Lisa: Mom, no, wait, we can make a deal.
Marge: You don't have anything I want.

Mrs. Krabappel: Now who can tell me the atomic weight of "balonium"?
Martin: Ooh! Delicious?
Mrs. Krabappel: Correct. I would have also accepted "Snack-tacular."

Ralph: I got a "B"!
Miss Hoover: No, Ralph. That's an "F." I must have spilled some Kahlua.

Miss Hoover: You earned your A+++, Lisa!
Lisa: Actually, there are four plusses.
Miss Hoover: No, that's Drambuie.

ā—„ Season 9 Season 10 Quotes Season 11 ā–ŗ
Lard of the Dance ā€¢ The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace ā€¢ Bart the Mother ā€¢ Treehouse of Horror IX ā€¢ When You Dish Upon a Star ā€¢ D'oh-in' in the Wind ā€¢ Lisa Gets an "A" ā€¢ Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble" ā€¢ Mayored to the Mob ā€¢ Viva Ned Flanders ā€¢ Wild Barts Can't Be Broken ā€¢ Sunday, Cruddy Sunday ā€¢ Homer to the Max ā€¢ I'm with Cupid ā€¢ Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers" ā€¢ Make Room for Lisa ā€¢ Maximum Homerdrive ā€¢ Simpsons Bible Stories ā€¢ Mom and Pop Art ā€¢ The Old Man and the "C" Student ā€¢ Monty Can't Buy Me Love ā€¢ They Saved Lisa's Brain ā€¢ Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo