Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ Beware My Cheating Bart
A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again
The Spy Who Learned Me ā–ŗ
Homer: Choke on my numb blue hands! (attempts to strangle Bart but fails) Oh... what the...

Bart: Mom! Dad! I woke up and the money jar was full! That means the Devil accepted my bargain. Now to uphold my end of the deal. (turns and brandishes a kitchen knife) Snowball II!
Marge: (Puts her hand on his shoulder) No!

Bart: But where does the ship stop again?
Homer: I don't know. A lot of barefoot kids kicking soccer balls, shell necklaces, they really hit the poverty nicely.

Lisa: It's so diverse! I've died and gone to a PBS kid's show!

Homer: Bart's been raptured! And his crap's been craptured!

Homer: Thanks to you, we're having fun. Before-we-had-kids fun!

Bart: There is no virus. I made the whole thing up.
Lifeguard Dave: But the general's warning!
Bart: That was Treat Williams in a movie.
Treat Williams: I thought that general looked familiar.
(Other passengers surround him)
Treat Williams: What? I'm in a lot of movies.

Lisa: Sure, life is full of pain and misery, but the trick is to enjoy the few good things in the moment.
Homer: Yeah, stupid. Stop thinking about having fun and have it.

ā—„ Season 22 Season 23 Quotes Season 24 ā–ŗ
The Falcon and the D'ohman ā€¢ Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts ā€¢ Treehouse of Horror XXII ā€¢ Replaceable You ā€¢ The Food Wife ā€¢ The Book Job ā€¢ The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants ā€¢ The Ten-Per-Cent Solution ā€¢ Holidays of Future Passed ā€¢ Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson ā€¢ The D'oh-cial Network ā€¢ Moe Goes from Rags to Riches ā€¢ The Daughter Also Rises ā€¢ At Long Last Leave ā€¢ Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart ā€¢ How I Wet Your Mother ā€¢ Them, Robot ā€¢ Beware My Cheating Bart ā€¢ A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again ā€¢ The Spy Who Learned Me ā€¢ Ned 'N Edna's Blend ā€¢ Lisa Goes Gaga